INTERNET Diving Made Possible​

The INTERNET is not a panacea for all the world's ills, but it is a powerful tool for CHANGE!
Layer 3 UDP Tunnelling Services
Proxy Based Dynamic Network Optimisation
Blocking and Internet censorship service

INFA's Core Features


Enabler of Education (SDG 4)

Internet connectivity provides access to educational

resources, online learning platforms, and digital literacy

initiatives, promoting inclusive and quality education for all.

Catalyst for Economic Growth (SDG 8)

High-speed internet enables access to markets, financial

services, and employment opportunities, fostering innovation,

entrepreneurship, and sustainable economic development.

Promoter of Gender Equality (SDG 5)

Internet connectivity empowers women and girls by

providing access to information, educational resources, and

economic opportunities, contributing to gender equality

and women’s empowerment.

Promoter of Social Inclusion (SDG 10)

Internet connectivity reduces social inequalities by providing

marginalised communities with access to information,

services, and opportunities, fostering social inclusion and cohesion.