Bridging the Digital Divide & Fostering Inclusive Growth


Entrepreneur SDGs Empowerment Foundation [PPM-004-10-27102017], affectionately known as EnEF, stands at the forefront of transformative change. Founded on the principles of sustainable development, equal opportunities, and financial empowerment, EnEF is dedicated to uplift communities, bridge gaps, and pave the way for a brighter future

Despite the remarkable advancements in technology and connectivity witnessed in recent years, millions of individuals in underserved and marginalised areas across the world continue to face significant barriers to accessing reliable and high speed internet.

Our Story & Milestone Events

    Oct 2017

How we started

Entrepreneur SDGs Empowerment Foundation [PPM-004-10-27102017], affectionately known as EnEF, stands at the forefront of transformative change.

   Dec 2017

Our Founder & Co-Founders

The Founder is deeply committed to solving a social or environmental problem, while the Co-Founder specialises in measuring and maximising the organisation's impact.



IAS and SIRIM approvals are crucial certifications for ensuring product safety and compliance. (Click Below)


Initial Pilot Stock

Ready pilot stock for our pre-order post MCO

     August 2023

Exclusive Strategic Partnership

Exclusive SSP with EnEF group to promote device under INFA | Internet for All in line with UNSDG


The Hybrid OutReach

To enhance our commitment to promoting Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) and offering solutions through our Borneo Inclusivity Tour (BIT), we acquired a motorhome to engage the underserved areas.